Thursday, August 11, 2011

Making Ends Meet

Part of my new routine is to go to the Laundromat every Saturday morning.  As kids, we’d go with mom and we HATED it.  Now here I am in the supposed 21st century (though you wouldn’t think so looking at my living conditions) and I’m going there again.

One thing I like is ALL the clothes get done at the same time and while it takes 2 hours or so, I can do errands or wash my car in the adjoining car wash as the clothes tumble and turn.

Now I’ve always admired the women (and men) who stand around so patiently and carefully fold their clothes when they come out of the dryer.  I, on the other hand, simply remove them from the dryer and stuff them in the trash bags I brought them in only to fold them and curse the wrinkles that set in when I return home.

SO…I decided to try it…folding and hanging and smoothing out wrinkles and matching corners of my blankets just like all those other people were doing.  They must find me more horrifying than watching me stuff the clothes in trash bags as I’m dropping articles on the floor and dragging blankets and sheets as I try to fold the monstrosities.  What the heck, I’ll be back again next week with everything.

But I have to admit, going to the laundry is a way of “making ends meet” in more ways than one.  And I’m starting to get good at it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We are EGGstatic

Richard and I are getting egg laying HENS!!!!  We are so excited.  Getting the Americaunas which lay beautiful pastel, Easter egg-like eggs. 
Richard needs to figure out how to build a coop.  It seems pretty easy.  Just need to find a way to keep them warm in the winter and keep predators away.  I’ve picked out names for them.  You can get 12 chicks for about $15.  Can you believe it???? So my first 12 names are as follows:
All good old farmer wife names.  I LOVE them.  
We should get one egg from each hen each day.  

I’ve already got people lined up to buy them.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Really COOOOOL Story

I have the makings for a Stephen King novel.  It will be based on an old house that gets bought and is in the process of a rehab.  Summer is steaming and the husband finds an air conditioner in the attic, left behind by the previous owners.  Oh thank heavens.  Finally some relief from the heat. 

He puts it in the bedroom window and every night/early morning (probably around 2:00 am) while the a/c is blasting out cool air and, as everyone who has ever owned one can testify to, very loud humming that somehow puts you to sleep anyway, a muffled radio can be heard.  No words or exact music can be made out, but it's definitely a radio.  "Where is it coming from"?  Inside the a/c.

Turns out that there is an evil presence living in the a/c and it draws the people  into it by telling them that life on the inside is heavenly and lulling them with nice music.  So they do as told, stick their finger in the electric socket, and ZAP!!! they now live on the inside of the a/c.  And if you listen closely, you can hear them at night while their radio plays.
