Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dare to Care

It began nearly one year ago when my mother had a minor stroke.  She recovered, thankfully, but throughout the next several months, she felt weak, dizzy, not herself.  November came and Richard and I thought she might feel happier if she lived with us, at least through the winter months.  We had tons of room.  She actually agreed but only stayed Monday through Thursday nights, was gone most of the day doing her "stuff" and come Friday she'd head home and await my brother's weekly visit on Saturday through Sunday.  She liked her own home, own space, independence.  Who wouldn't?

But she still was not herself, and I worried about her living alone all week.  What to do?

The answer came in the form of Sunset Magazine. Thank you Melody. I think it was the January issue about downsizing.  I was so motivated that I began cleaning every drawer and closet in our 2400 sf home.  Realizing once and for all that we were living in way too much space, Richard and I played with the idea of selling our home for a smaller one.  But HEY, maybe my mother would want us to live with her and help her out for awhile, until she got well or "otherwise."  I could cook, clean, do errands, and give her a little company to boot.  After all she had mentioned on several occassions that her house was too much for her, she wasn't cooking anymore (eating sandwiches mostly). 

Good for her.  Good for us...we could save a few bucks and look for a small home eventually.

And guess what....she agreed to it!!!!

Why else would anyone believe this was a sensible, acceptable idea and actually do it?  As I found out later, most felt in their hearts this would not work at all.

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