Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dumplings for Peonies

I have the sweetest friend Sonya from Taiwan. She has taught me so much of the culture and introduced me to the food that I love so much. She says I was Chinese in another life. She has been a blessing to me during these days of renovation as she often calls me and says, “I cooked last night. Please come over.” And boy does she cook. If she’s stressed, she cooks or bakes.

One day Sonya told me she was making a flower arrangement for her friend’s daughter, also Chinese, and I said, “hey, I have tons of flowers in my yard. They’re growing like weeds and there is no order to the planting. I’d love to give you some.”

So I picked peonies and campanula and who knows what all else. The bouquet was beautiful. She used all the flowers, added a few of her own, and the result was stunning. Both she and her friend were so grateful (for what I don’t know) that they both made me dumplings!!! I have discovered the art of bartering out of my hillbilly house.

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